Friday, December 07, 2007

Another Re-run

I loved this one when I first posted it. It still holds true today, although the hair is grayer...
I'll start with fresh posts tomorrow.

Friday, April 28, 2006
The many Faces of GW

G.W.Bush has presented many different faces to the American public over the last 6 years. Happy, angry, sad, you name it , its been shown. Most people have an inner ability to decide which face to use, but seeing that GW has been a very busy guy the last few years , he hasn't been able to focus enough to make these decisions on his own.
So , starting in December of 2000, it appears that the Republican party has been taking pictures of various primates making different facial expressions & basic hand gestures so that GW will have a study guide for this diffucult task. We all know how basic human emotions can be tough to express in a way that people understand them . Thats why Georgie felt it best to learn from someone who was his equal intellectually as well as emotionally. No sense setting the standard too high . From the looks of things, GW has done quite well in his mimic assignment. Uncle Dick who is an expert at this himself,would be proud.

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2006 All rights reserved.
posted by Hawk at 7:36 PM 2 comments links to this post

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I'm Back

Well,, guess what? I'm back & ready to start playing with the politicians again... lol ... I love doing that.
As a registered Republican, I must warn all the other "Registered Republicans" that I tend to be a tad against the current administration & all for political reform that the Democrats are talking about. {Not the Hiliary reform bullshit, but the John Edwards , & Obamah's reform } Hillary needs to go take care of Bill,, possibly become the " Dick Cheney" of a Democratic Administration. She'd serve well in that role.
Ahhh well ... Tomorrow is another day & I plan to post a better blog then...
until then, have a great evening unless you planned otherwise.

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2007 All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Just an update for those who actually take the time to come to this link.
Been an intresting month. Lots going on and not a lot going my way. LOL... Shit happens. Aaaah well .. Just wanted to touch base here & post that Hawk is still in existance , just laying low for a little bit. Drop an e-mail if you feel like it ,as I am actually responding there. .
Have a great weekend, unless you choose to do otherwise...

And Sanny161? TY for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to actually view my blog. Most people run away... lmao...

Hawk aka Joe

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

In response to feedback

OK, I normally don't create a post just to respond to comments and emails from other posts, but I think its time to make an exception. Lets just say that my last post elicited 1 or 2 questionable emails telling me to go fuck myself for my views. Rather then copying these comments & playing off them, I think I'll clarify what I was saying.

In a nutshell, Ann Coulter said what she said in order to draw attention to herself. Period.... Now another spin , which I tend to think most people have overlooked, is
that freedom of speech is basically lost and if you say something that offends people in todays world,you can go to rehab to fix it.

Let's back up a little. The comment Ann made was a reference to a TV star, Isaiah Washington,who used the slur twice to a co-star on Grey's Anatomy, then ,after the Hollywood establishment screamed & yelled, proceeded to go to rehab in order to fix himself. This also happened with Mel Gibson,Brittney Spears, Michael Richards and others.What happened to accepting responsibility for our words? I don't think it was a direct insult on Edwards, more so an insult on todays society and the thought that if you say something that is offensive, just go to rehab & its all better.It also pointed out that political correctness can be achieved by saying "Woops, I screwed up, so I'll attend sensitivity training and I'll make everything better.Trust me, Ann won't be going to rehab for saying this. She ment it. In a schoolyard taunt sorta way.
Don't get me wrong,it was an inappropriate comment, however she achieved what she wanted from it, and brought out a lot of debate regarding the term's usage. Lesson learned...

By the way, doesn't Bugs Bunny like to cross dress? That might mean that he is gay!!

AWW MANNNNNN .. Now I have to apologize to the animation society for my slur about rabbits. Then everyone will like me again. I'll start rehab in my next life.

Hawk :}

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter and Comedy

{Forgive me in advance. I think this might be the only blog posted in defense of Ann Coulter }

On March 2, 2007, Ann Coulter, who was addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., said: "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I - so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards." Members of the audience paused, then many laughed and clapped, and she proceeded to open the floor to questions.

I gotta say, Ann Coulter has a way with words. By just dropping the word "faggot" into a short speech at a Republican event, she's effectively sold another 50,000 or more of her books. Amazing that the main stream media has no idea that they are being used . If we heard this on South Park or The Daily Show, we’d have a good chuckle. But since she's a political writer and speaker , everyone is all pissed off about it.

I've always been amused by Ann's writings, even if I don't always agree with her thoughts. She just has a magical way with words, sorta a "loose cannon" style. Just look at the following quote from an article she wrote while she was covering the Democratic National Convention. It began, "Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston..." and referred to some unspecified female attendees as "corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons." This is some funny shit folks. She sees it, she says it.

Personally, I don't think she intended any offense to gay people in using that term. She even went so far as to say so in an email response to a query from reporters. "C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean." LMAO.... Common guys, cut her some slack. Shes a fan of the Grateful Dead.

I don't agree with everything Ann says, but, hey, you're looking at a very smart woman who is focused on self promotion. Need I say more?
Read about her " HERE " .

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2007 All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

November Gets on the Treadmill

I figured it might be better to post this one with a direct link instead of the url.
Hawk :}

Rerun of Dick.

Rerun of the original Dick Cheney blog. I believe its been almost a year to the day since the shooting incident, so this is is honor of the occasion. Have a great rest of the weekend, unless you choose to do otherwise. Hawk :}

Dick Cheney

Somehow, I think if I spent the afternoon looking on the internet, I might end up with WAY too many pictures & very little other content. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Now, this picture in particular raises another question. If it had been someone besides the VP of the United States, & they had been drinking prior to an accidental shooting, wouldn't there have been a bit more of an investigation? I would think so, but, heck,, i've been wrong before.
One other question.. Ummm,, Mr Cheney? ... Dick? Why have you dropped completely off of the national radar? Where did you go dude? Decide that it was time to stay out of the spotlight? Or did you check into one of those clinics that helps people overcome their compulsions for shooting lawyers..
Well,, hopefully, our VP will be back in the limelight soon w/ his shotgun in tow. I mean ,, how else could we protect the residents of the state of Texas from those dangerous 2 winged , flying menaces that go by the name of "Quail" ..

Saturday, February 10, 2007


This one struck close to home, given that it involved kidnapping a fake animal. Those of you who know me might have heard the tale of " Pete the Penguin". You might have even seen the pictures that were taken.
This story involves a different "Pete". Pete the duck. You see, Pete the duck is the mascot for a residence hall at CW Post College on Long Island, NY. It seems that five "Resident Assistants" decided it would be funny to kidnap Pete & make a video of it. The video , titled " A Duck Napping" was on youtube for a short time before it was removed. The five RA's put on ski masks for the video, & were speaking in broken English using a stereotypical "Middle Eastern " accent. The short film depicted a scene similar to one where Americans being held hostage by Al Qaeda terrorists force their hostages to plead for their life. The demands that were made for the ducks release in this film? The hostage takers wanted donuts & pastry's. Due to this video, all five of the RA's were fired from their jobs.
I must say that I'm sorry I missed seeing this video. I'm sure it was one of the funniest ones on Youtube , although I can understand why certain people might be upset by it. My question is this...
To the folks who support the students being fired, & to the staff at CW Post. Did the school fire the advisers for their insensitivity to the victims of jihadism ... or to its practitioners?
Just a question.....
BTW, for the few who have asked what Hawk actually looks like, well,, heres a bad picture I took the other day in the office.

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2007 All rights reserved.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Lt. Ehren Watada

Until about 2 hours ago, I had no clue who Lt. Ehren Watada was , nor any idea why the US Army is proceeding w/ a court martial trial against him. Upon reading a news article, I came to the conclusion that since he refused a troop movement with his unit to Iraq , and since he was a volunteer in the armed forces , that the court martial was justified. For some reason, don't ask me why, I decided to click a link at the end of the article that led to a web site that explained a bit more to this story. Rather then attempting to explain it here, I thought it best to just provide the link to this site and allow people to see for themselves. LT Ehren Watada's Story.

The story behind the story changed my opinion regarding Lt. Watada , although his actions are clearly in violation of our military standards. That being said, I do wish Lt. Watada all the best in his trial & I'll probably be revisiting this topic in the near future.
Please note that Lt. Ehren Watada might be the first officer to publicly refuse to deploy to Iraq.

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2007 All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Fall Guy

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Rape of the American People.

39.5 BILLION Dollars. Thats $39,500,000,000.00. Exxon/Mobil posted that amount as their year end profit for 2006. {180 million dollars per day, give or take a million} .
Read the article

The big oil companies, essentially have us by the short ones. Given that we all depend on gas to fuel our vehicles, and that there really is no support in our government for alternative fuels/energy sources, companies like Exxon/Mobile , BP, and many others will continue to post these outrageous profits, while we the consumers continue to struggle to pay for their products.
Perhaps if our government would require a portion of these profits to be invested in " alternative fuel studies" { meaning a replacement for oil/gas} , this whole rape thing might not seem as bad. However, we all know that the current administration is in bed with the oil companies, and higher profits mean more money for the politicians ,therefore why mess with a good thing?

OK, enough bitching on my part. I just needed to get that off my chest. Maybe I'll post more later . We'll see.

Hawk :}
© Copyright TheHawksPlatform 2007 All rights reserved.